
Samed Temiz

Software Engineer, Android Developer

About Me

Hello! I'm Samed Temiz. I graduated from Manisa Celal Bayar University with a degree in Software Engineering in 2024. I started getting interested in Android development about two years ago. During this time, I completed various online courses and reinforced what I learned through practical applications. In the final semester of my university education, I successfully completed a long internship program at BilgiYön Yazılım Danışmanlık Ltd. during this process, I gained extensive experience in mobile app development using Java and Kotlin programming languages.

During my internship, I worked with Agile methodology and tracked tasks within the Scrum framework using Jira. I made effective efforts to learn current libraries in the Android platform technically. I actively used frameworks and libraries such as Jetpack Compose, LiveData, Coroutines, Retrofit, and Glide in my projects. Additionally, I gained experience in topics like Dependency Injection and MVVM architecture.

In my spare time, I enjoy learning new technologies, reviewing projects and code, and developing mobile applications. I am currently seeking opportunities where I can utilize my skills and knowledge to begin my career as an Android developer. I would like to thank everyone in advance for their support during this process.

You can contact me at samedtemiz99@gmail.com or through my LinkedIn profile.

Name: Samed Temiz
Birthday: 11 January 1999
Degree: Software Engineer / Bachelor's Degree
Experince: Entry Level - Junior
Phone: +90 553 216 77 65
Email: samedtemiz99@gmail.com
Address: Izmir, Turkiye
Open to Work: Available




Android SDK

Android Jetpack



Material Design

Jetpack Compose

Dependency Injection (Dagger/Hilt)

MVVM and other architectural design patterns

Debugging and performance analysis

Problem-solving and analytical thinking skills


Intern Android Developer | 02/2024 - 06/2024

BilgiYön Yazılım Danışmanlık Ltd. Şti.

I actively participated in mobile solution projects for asset management systems, field management applications, and operational processes of institutions such as ADM/GDZ, BOTAŞ, ACIBADEM, and İSKİ. I utilized Agile methodology for project management, tracked tasks on Jira, and attended sprint meetings. Additionally, I took part in various Android application projects using Java and Kotlin

Intern | 06/2023 - 08/2023

Manisa Celal Bayar Üniversitesi

I have experience in developing Android mobile applications using Java and Kotlin programming languages. During this process, I successfully utilized Android Jetpack libraries in my projects to optimize the application development process. Additionally, I securely stored application data in the cloud using Firebase's NoSQL database and integrated real-time air quality data into applications with the Google Air Quality API.



The application retrieves data from a REST API and processes it using the Retrofit library. Firebase Authentication and Firestore are integrated to securely store user data in a cloud-based database. This ensures that user information is protected and can be accessed safely. Jetpack Compose and Material3 libraries are used to build a modern, functional, and user-friendly interface.

The project follows Clean Architecture principles and the MVVM design pattern. These approaches make the app easy to scale and maintain over time. As a result, the application is designed to be flexible and require less effort for future updates.

Frameworks and libraries:Coroutines and Flow, Firebase Auth, FireStore, Retrofit and OkHttp, DataStore, Coil / Lottie, Navigation Components


My application fetches data from two different APIs. I use coroutine flow to transfer this data to the main screen. On the UI side, I handle the process with resource control. In the application, I tried to implement the MVVM design pattern and Clean Architecture. I used frameworks and libraries like Dependency Injection, Retrofit, Coil, Navigation, and Lottie. This is a personal development project, so I’m not publishing it on the Play Store.

Frameworks and libraries: Android Jetpack Compose, Retrofit, Dagger-Hilt, Kotlin Coroutines(Flow), Coil, Navigation Component, Lottie

Athentis (Private)

This project aims to send the user's login information and current location to a remote server at specified intervals. The service continues to run even if the application is closed, actively displaying the current location in the notification area.

Frameworks and libraries: Android Jetpack (LiveData, ViewModel), Retrofit, Chuck, Kotlin Coroutines, Location Services, Material Design 3


This project is an educational application developed with the aim of learning, retaining, and reviewing English words using the 6 Sigma Methodology. The app is designed to help users review words they correctly recall at specific intervals. Users can log in using either their Google accounts or as guest users. Progress for online users is stored on Firebase.

Frameworks and libraries: MVVM, Dependency Injection - Hilt, Datastore,Preferences, Coroutines, LiveData, Firebase: FireStore/Authentication, Room Database, Retrofit, Jetpack Compose, Navigation, Lottie/Glide/Markdown


This project is a health application that lists daily recipes. The app displays the current air quality based on the user's location using the Google Air Quality API. Additionally, it provides information such as daily calorie needs and BMI calculation when body information is entered.

Frameworks and libraries: Google Maps API, Spoonacular API, Google Air Quality API, Jetpack Compose, LiveData, MVVM, Navigation, Retrofit, Picasso, Material Design
